Instant Gallery
The Instant Gallery is a much-loved feature of the Symposium. Attendees are encouraged to bring up to three examples of their woodturning for exhibition (and possible sale) in the Instant Gallery. (SEE SUBMISSION DETAILS BELOW.)
Past Instant Galleries . . .
Gallery Submission
Details . . . please read.
The Instant Gallery is a curtained section of the vendor/banquet hall. It is a monitored area. Submissions are accepted starting at 11:30 a.m. Friday. Please do not come early expecting to drop off your items.
There will be a short form to complete for each work (up to three per attendee). Items can be left for exhibition only or offered for sale.
If you wish to sell your work, the form includes contact information. All transactions must be handled between you and the buyer. The Symposium cannot process charges, etc. Items are to be left on display until the close of the Symposium Sunday at noon and sold items can be picked up then.